Message from the Galactic Federation of Light: 9th April 2012.


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Publicado el 09/04/2012 por


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  • I'm ready to go home period!!! My work is done.

  • The fallen Angels as you term them are either at this point working with Christ and the powers of light, Galactic Federation of Light, or have been un- created. The chosen are those with eyes to see, a mind to fathom, and a spirit to feel, to (Discern) Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in this dense world of lower vibration. You had to descend to be here, does that make you fallen? Sem, the eldest son of Noah, is the father of the white tribe. How can you be anti- Semitic if white? the bible is alter

  • Thanks, for your comment 11stem11, God (Father source bless you, the spirit of Nebadonia bless you, and may Micheal the Christ of this creation bless you) The host of heaven as referred to in the adulterated, and manipulated Bible, of your time is the Galactic Federation. Earth (Urauntia) was formerly a prison planet, since the times of Lucifer's rebellion, up until the last harmonic convergence ( August 17, 1987) At which time he Lucifer was un-created, by the Ancient of Days.

  • When will we be asked ?

    I still have not seen any of you in our sky over northern Utah . will you Please do me a GREAT favor , Please show your ships in Northern Utah / Utah County . Please .

  • Christ is coming soon for his Followers...the GFL are nothing but the fallen angels leading people away from Christ........"all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved", the Bible warns us of the alien deception in the endtimes...believe in Him who died for You.

  • I couldnt agree more my brother ONE DAY SOON VERY SOON it will happen trust me of this April 11th it will slowly start and it will gain momentum to Jun 5th after that im not sure when I find out more ill keep you posted PEACE my Earth brethern :-)

  • I' am lonely as well as frustrated, I know I' am not from here. That is nothing new, but I' am tired of the morose, melancholy waiting period. My go bag is ready... With all do respect I deeply miss my consciousness and the understanding it holds, So come and get me, already. lol did I mention I' am frustrated, please excuse my mood. The simple pleasures do not suffice, and no love is greater than my, LOVE ... I love you..

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